Google on Tuesday announced new artificial intelligence features that are coming to Android devices. The move to bring its Gemini AI assistant to supported devices shows again how Google aims to put its AI in front of consumers before Apple, which will launch its AI on iPhones, Macs and iPads later this year. Google doesn’t make a lot […]Read More
Mars will acquire Kellanova for $35.9 billion in cash, tying together some of the largest U.S. candy and snack brands, the companies announced Tuesday. The M&M owner Mars is acquiring the Kellogg spin-off company for $83.50 per share, according to the press release. The addition of Kellanova, which separated from its parent company in 2023, will bring massive brands like Pringles and […]Read More
The 2020 presidential election coincided with the Census Bureau’s decennial tally of the number of people living in the United States. You know this; every year ending in a zero has a census. But perhaps you don’t recognize the importance of this count. For one thing, it meant a reallocation of House seats — and, […]Read More
President Joe Biden reiterated his call Wednesday for the release of freelance journalist Austin Tice, saying that his administration has “repeatedly pressed” Syria to work with the United States to secure his return. Biden’s comments came in a statement marking 12 years since Tice was abducted in Syria. “We have repeatedly pressed the government of […]Read More
Starbucks is replacing its CEO with the head of Chipotle as it seeks to revive flagging sales and appease outside investors. Starbucks announced Tuesday morning that Brian Niccol, who has led the burrito chain since 2018, will take over the coffee giant starting next month. Laxman Narasimhan, who took over as Starbucks’ CEO in March 2023, […]Read More
The Murdoch family feud taking place in an obscure Nevada court highlights the state’s surging popularity as a global center of family trusts and a friendly home to the world’s biggest fortunes. According to legal industry rankings, Nevada is now the top state in the country when it comes to so-called asset-protection trusts like the […]Read More
The messaging in presidential political advertisements has dramatically shifted in the weeks since President Joe Biden abandoned his bid for a second term and Vice President Kamala Harris united the Democratic Party to seize the nomination. A Washington Post analysis of data from the political research firm AdImpact found that Democrats have shifted the primary […]Read More
One month ago, the Republican Party was convening in Milwaukee to anoint Donald Trump as its presidential nominee for the third consecutive election. The convention was energetic and brash; the attempt on Trump’s life had reinforced Republicans’ already robust enthusiasm for their candidate, and Trump skeptics had long ago been rooted out of the inner […]Read More
Home Depot on Tuesday topped quarterly expectations, but cautioned that sales will be weaker than expected in the back half of the year as high interest rates and consumer uncertainty dampen demand. The home improvement retailer said it now expects full-year comparable sales to decline by 3% to 4% compared with the prior fiscal year. It […]Read More
For his entire aborted 2024 reelection campaign, no issues threatened to hamstring President Joe Biden quite as much as the economy and immigration. The economy is almost always voters’ top issue, and views of Biden’s handling of it were routinely way underwater. Immigration is generally less important in voters’ minds, but a border crisis pushed […]Read More