Chase Bank said it was reviewing incidents of individuals who may have participated in an online check fraud ‘glitch’ trend and referring them to law enforcement authorities. Last weekend, social media saw millions of users engaging with posts suggesting an error at the bank was causing ATM machines to give users unlimited cash. In fact, […]Read More
Seemingly out of the blue Monday morning, supporters of former president Donald Trump began posting myriad AI-generated images depicting the Republican presidential nominee as a savior. Not of the American Dream or of Christianity, mind you, the normal targets of such praise. Instead, Trump was shown protecting ducks and kitty cats. If you are not […]Read More
Six months ago, Donald Trump presented us all with a Rorschach test by predicting a “bloodbath” if he loses the 2024 election. “Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it,” Trump said while discussing the economy and his tariff […]Read More
On Tuesday night, Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump will meet for what might be their only debate of the 2024 presidential election. It is an opportunity, you’ve probably heard, for Harris to help Americans understand who she is and what she stands for. In polling conducted by Siena College for the […]Read More
No one has summarized the engine of Donald Trump’s politics more aptly than the Atlantic’s Adam Serwer, writing in 2018: the cruelty of his presentation and plans and promises is the point. “It is that cruelty, and the delight it brings them,” Serwer wrote, “that binds his most ardent supporters to him, in shared scorn […]Read More
Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign posted a list of her policy positions on her website Sunday, as the latest polls show her locked in a tight race with former president Donald Trump. Titled “A New Way Forward,” the page outlines her agenda on the economy as well as immigration and foreign policy. On each issue, […]Read More
When Vice President Harris and former president Donald Trump meet Tuesday night in Philadelphia, they will have taken dramatically different approaches to preparing for the first — and likely only — presidential debate between the two candidates. Harris spent most of the past four days ensconced in Pittsburgh’s Omni William Penn Hotel for an intensive […]Read More
Congress returns to Washington on Monday with limited time to prevent a government shutdown and November’s elections already clouding conversations over federal financing. Funding for the federal government expires Sept. 30, when the 2024 fiscal year ends. Without new legislation, the government would shut down while millions of voters, including in some battleground states, are […]Read More
Avalon Broaden didn’t vote in 2020, unmotivated by a pair of older male candidates that she felt didn’t really represent her values. Her feelings remained the same this year — until the race was upended in July and Vice President KamalaHarris became the Democratic nominee. “She’s a woman, she’s Black, and I like her. I […]Read More
If you’re a swing state voter, your mailbox has probably been flooded with fliers, especially on behalf of Donald Trump’s campaign. We’ve been collecting examples of Trump fliers and, though they are underwritten by different state Republican parties, they often have virtually the same language. Typically, on one side, there’s a defense — Vice President […]Read More
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