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Your hero could be a CNN Hero!

They’re your friends, your colleagues, your family members, or maybe someone you read about.
• Take a look at our nomination form. We suggest you review the information requested about yourself, your nominee and their work before filling out your submission.
• Tell us about your hero. Take your time and write from the heart. Remember: What you share – in your own words – is the most important factor in advancing a nomination for further consideration. You can enter your answers to the essay questions directly on the form, or write them first in a word-processing document and cut and paste them into each answer field. Please note the information you provide will be used in accordance with our privacy policy.
• Click “Submit.” If your nomination has been successfully transmitted, you’ll see a “thank you” message on your screen. This is the only confirmation you will receive. And yes, we read each and every one.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How will I know if my hero is selected?
A: Because of the high volume of nominations received, we cannot respond individually to each submission. However, if your nomination advances, we will contact you and your nominee through the contact information you provide.
Q: What if I don’t know my nominee’s address, email and telephone number?
Q: May I submit additional supportive information about my nominee?
A: There’s space at the end of the form to provide links to articles or websites with more information about your hero. Please do not send additional material unless requested.
Q: May I nominate my hero more than once?
Q: May I mail or fax my nomination?
A: No. All nominations must be submitted online through our website.
Q: What if my nomination form is rejected?
A: When filling out your form, please note that certain information is required. Those fields are marked with an asterisk (*).